• 2023/12 – Prof. Tian gave a progress presentation at the NCKU Sustainable Interdisciplinary Integrated Project workshop (成大永續跨領域研究成果發表會) at Kenting about the collaborative work with Prof. Chuan-Feng Shih (施權峰教授) and Prof. Vincent Wing-hei Lau (劉詠熙教授) on the development of lead-free perovskite and hole transfer layer materials.
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  • 2023/12 – Congrats to our undergraduate student Yueh-An Wu (吳約安) for getting admission to the Master Program for Nanoengineering and Nanoscience at National Taiwan University (台大奈米工程與科學學程).
  • 2023/12 – Congrats to our Master’s student Ming-Yuan Hung (洪名遠) for getting direct admission to the Ph.D. program (逕讀博士班) in the Program of Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing (智慧與永續製造學程) in the Semiconductor Academy (半導體學院) at NCKU with a Ph.D. scholarship of 40,000 TWD/month and additional 10,000 TWD/month from the NSTC grant. He will be the 1st Ph.D. student in our group and will be starting in the upcoming Spring semester!
  • 2023/12 – Congrats to Yu-Ting Tai (戴郁庭) for getting the Excellent English Presentation Award at the Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Workshop (TJBW2023, 台日三校研討會). The annual workshop is organized by NCKU, Osaka University (大阪大学), and Kagoshima University (鹿児島大学).
  • 2023/12 – Prof. Tian was invited to be the speaker (電化學、儲能材料及新能源技術) and session chair (多尺及模擬計算及程序系統工程) for the 2023 TwIChE Annual Meeting (2023台灣化工年會) @NTU.
    Also, congrats to Ming-Yuan Hung (洪名遠) for getting the Excellent English Oral Presentation Award (英語口頭競賽優勝) and Zih-Lie Huang (黃子冽) for getting the Honorable Mention Poster Award (海報競賽佳作)!
  • 2023/11 – Prof. Tian and six graduate students visited the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Tsukuba, Japan, and had joint seminars with Prof. Ken Sakaushi, Dr. Randy Jalem, and Prof. Atsushi Ishikawa, along with their respective research groups. We discussed our collaborative work and shared many interesting and ongoing projects. We are deeply grateful for the warm hospitality extended to us by our Japanese counterparts and looking forward to the prospect of welcoming them to NCKU, Tainan, in the near future.
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  • 2023/11 – Prof. Tian was invited to give seminar talks in the Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry at KMU (高醫醫化系), the Department of Chemical Engineering at NTHU (清大化工系), the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences at Academia Sinica (中研院原分所), and the Department of Chemistry at NTNU (師大化學系).
  • 2023/10 – Our international collaboration proposal (成大國際合作計畫) with Prof. Ken Sakaushi at the University of Tsukuba and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) has been selected and awarded! Prof. Tian will take several group members to visit Prof. Sakaushi in Japan and have a joint workshop in November 2023.
  • 2023/10 – Prof. Tian was invited to give a talk at the 6th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2023). Prof. Tian was also glad to meet his academic grandfather, Prof. Goddard (Prof. Yue Qi’s advisor), from Caltech.
  • 2023/09 – Our industrial Cooperation Grant (產學計畫) with ASE (日月光半導體) has been selected and approved. We will conduct continuum simulations to optimize the electrodeposition process for wafer production.
  • 2023/08 – Congratulations on Hong-Kai’s 2nd paper collaborating with Prof. Yu-Chuan Lin has been published in Green Chemistry (IF: 9.8). The work is about the highly selective production of CO from CO2 reduction on a special Ni/SiO2 catalyst.
  • 2023/08 – Congratulations on our recent work about the Co-Fe Prussian Nanoframe materials for water-driven catalytic reactions has been accepted and published in Nature Communications (IF: 16.6)! It is a collaborative work with Prof. Chen-Sheng Yeh at NCKU and Prof. Wei-Peng Li at KMU. The work contains materials synthesis, catalytic reactions, theoretical simulations, and tumoral mice treatments.
  • 2023/07 – Welcome a new undergraduate student, Jing-Yan Wu (吳敬焱), to join our group!
  • 2023/07 – Congratulations to Hong-Kai and Yu-Ting for receiving the High Distinction Oral Award (英文口頭報告特優) and the Excellence Poster Award (海報競賽優等), respectively, at the annual meeting of the Taiwan Interface Science Society (台灣界面科學年會). Additionally, Prof. Tian was invited to give a talk at the conference.

  • 2023/07 – Congratulations on Feye-Feng’s work about revealing the mysterious variation of Li-ion conductivity in doped-LLZO with different dopants has been accepted and published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (IF: 3.3)!
  • 2023/07 – Welcome the new graduate students, Yu-Ting Tai (戴郁庭), Rui-Tong Kuo (郭瑞桐), and You-Cheng Kou (郭祐丞), to join our group!
  • 2023/06 – Congratulations to Hong-Kai for receiving the Honorable Oral Award and to Ming-Yuan and Yen-Ting for receiving the Honorable Poster Award at the 2023 Taiwan International Conference on Catalysis (TICC-2023). We would also like to express our appreciation for the presence of international esteemed guests, Prof. Masahiro Ehara from the Institute for Molecular Science (IMS) in Japan, Prof. Yu Harabuchi from Hokkaido University, and Prof. Atsushi Ishikawa from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, who graciously accepted Prof. Tian’s invitation to deliver talks at TICC2023. Our group had a fantastic time and cherished unforgettable moments with these distinguished visitors from Japan.


  • 2023/06 – Our group attended the Functional Materials Conference (功能性材料年會) at STUST in Tainan. Ming-Yuan and Yen-Ting’s work (about the DFT-FEA combined simulations of piezoelectric properties and potentials in electrocatalysts for water splitting reactions) won Second place in Student Poster Competition.
  • 2023/05 – Prof. Tian delivered a talk at National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Tsukuba, Japan, for the Taiwan-Japan Nanomaterials and Biomedicine workshop. We also reunited and had a pleasant time with Prof. Yoshitaka Tateyama and the group members. Besides, Prof. Tian had a valuable discussion with Prof. Ken Sakaushi about applying for a collaborative grant to NCKU and the University of Tsukuba.
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  • 2023/04 – Prof. Tian delivered a talk at the 2023 MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco, USA. We also reunited and had a pleasant time with Prof. Yue Qi and the group members at Michigan State University and Brown University.
  • 2023/04 – A collaborative proposal with Prof. Chuan-Feng Shih and Prof. Vincent Wing-hei Lau has been awarded by NCKU for the Sustainable Interdisciplinary Integrated Project. This collaborative project will focus on developing Lead-free Perovskite Solar Cell Technology for Sustainable Green Energy in the Environment.
  • 2023/04 – Hung-Kai’s work collaborating with Prof. Yu-Chuan Lin about the conversion of CH4 to Acetonitrile (ACN) over GaN materials has been accepted and published on Materials Today Chemistry (IF: 7.613)!
  • 2023/04 – A collaborative proposal with Prof. Chieh-Ting Lin at National Chung Hsin University (NCHU) has been accepted and granted by the Center for Innovative Research on Aging Society (CIRAS). This collaborative project will be a combined study of experiments and continuum simulation on developing a new antireflection coating based on an MgF/ZnS bilayer design.
  • 2023/04 – Congrats to our graduate student, Phoenix Lu (陸飛鳳), for receiving a scholarship of 55,000 NTD from the Fire Protection and Safety Research Center at NCKU (成大防火中心國際交流獎學金) for international visiting activities and 30,000 NTD for attending international conferences. This scholarship will support Phoenix in staying an additional month at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan.
  • 2023/03 – Congrats to our graduate student, Phoenix Lu (陸飛鳳), for receiving an internship offer from the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, which will provide full funding for her accommodation and living expenses during her stay from 2023/07/03 – 2023/08/31 in Tsukuba. She will be working in our collaborator Dr. Tateyama’s group and focusing on exploring the dopant effects at the interfaces of solid electrolyte LLZO and electrodes.
  • 2023/03 – Prof. Tian was invited to write an article for 台灣化學工程學會會刊 about our research of applying First-principles calculations to investigate lithium dendrite issues in all-solid-state batteries and expedite material development.
  • 2023/02 – Welcome a new undergraduate student, Yueh-An Wu (吳約安), to join our group!
  • 2023/02 – Welcome a new 1st-year Master student (Early entrance in spring), Hong-Zhang Huang (黃泓璋), to join our group!